St. Albans Township/Alexandria Merger Commission Meeting
Agenda/Minutes 4/17/2024
1. Call to order, pledge of allegiance
Chairperson Carianne Meng calls to Order the St. Albans Township/Alexandria Merger
Commission Meeting of April 17, 2024 at 7PM.
Note: these meetings are for the Merger Commission to review findings and to draw up
the conditions for a merger.
2. Committee Member Roll Call:
Baer: Present / Not Present
Barnes: Present / Not Present
Burton: Present / Not Present
Lodder: Present / Not Present
Meng: Present / Not Present
Robertson: Present / Not Present
Schiller: Present / Not Present – late
Taylor: Present / Not Present
Thorpe: Present / Not Present
Zanks: Present / Not Present
Additional Attendees:
Mr. Lees, Mr. Lane – community members
3. Review and Approval of Minutes
Minutes from St. Albans Township/Alexandria Merger Commission Meeting 3/20/2024
Burton made a motion; seconded by Baer, to approve the 3/20/2024. All
in favor? Chair declares motion failed / carried.
4. Old Business
Dean reviewed the spreadsheet calculator he is working on
Discussion of how to use this tool with the township
5. New Business
Drafting Merger Conditions – school districts through public property
General Updates:
Summary: We need to have conditions written by August 1, 2024. If we request
an extension, we would have until August 1, 2025.
To have an attorney review conditions, need to have them written by April 17 meeting.
Action: Dean to create a project schedule – using
Action: Venn Diagram for commission
6. Citizen Comments (3-minute time limit)
Bruce Lane – Harlem Township blindsided the public and the public bullied them and their
merger group has disbanded; encouraged more public involvement
7. Meeting Announcements
The next meeting will be held on: Wednesday, May 15. 2024 at 7PM
8. Adjournment
Baer made a motion; seconded by Robertson , to adjourn.
All in favor? Chair declares motion carried / failed.
Chairperson Meng declares the meeting adjourned at 8:39PM.
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