St. Albans Township/Alexandria Merger Commission Meeting
Agenda/Minutes 3/20/2024
1. Call to order, pledge of allegiance
Chairperson Carianne Meng calls to Order the St. Albans Township/Alexandria Merger
Commission Meeting of March 20, 2024 at 7:01PM.
Note: these meetings are for the Merger Commission to review findings and to draw up
the conditions for a merger.
2. Committee Member Roll Call:
Baer: Present / Not Present
Barnes: Present / Not Present
Burton: Present / Not Present
Lodder: Present / Not Present
Meng: Present / Not Present
Robertson: Present / Not Present
Schiller: Present / Not Present
Taylor: Present / Not Present
Thorpe: Present / Not Present
Zanks: Present / Not Present
Additional Attendees:
3. Review and Approval of Minutes
Minutes from St. Albans Township/Alexandria Merger Commission Meeting 2/21/2024
Baer made a motion; seconded by Barnes, to approve the 2/21/2024. All
in favor? Chair declares motion failed / carried.
4. Old Business
Water and Sewer – final meeting of the JAG (Johnstown, Alexandria, Granville)
forthcoming in a week or two. Hope is that the OEPA and MORPSE will be presented
with a plan at that time. Then it goes to Commissioners for approval. MOUs have been
signed, and service agreements are next.
5. New Business
Sean acquired 3 sets of merger conditions in Ohio. (Digitize)
Washington Township and Dublin
Cuyahoga Falls and Northampton Township (passed)
Legal help in writing: Sean to get referral from Jim Jasper
Things that we like: plainspeak, layman’s terms, translations
Our STA Comp Plan is a great start because it envisioned the “town center” of the
village staying the same.
Legal: Need assistance – recommend Plant & Associates
Drafting Conditions: next meeting
Merger Conditions Topics/Committees:
Updates: Dean has a calculator for earned income for Township residents.
Project schedule which is free – Dean will put our deadlines into the project tracker as
we create them.
QR Code – will link to the calculator
Action items:
Dean will see Brad Cottrel on Sunday from the Licking County Auditor. We will be able
to drop all taxes into the calculator (parcel taxes + EI).
Updates: Met with LC Engineers Office (Jarod Kner, Tyler Dye); will likely need to go
back and will likely need to contact ODOT.
Township Mileage: 24.636
Village Mileage: 10.035
Things up for discussion: 310, Sadie Thomas, Wesleyan Church – any township line
roads – will need to be coordinated with the bordering townships.
Bridges of St. Albans. 4 “red” bridges that need help and work, 2 yellow. Total number is
26 in the Township.
Proposed changes to classification – not right now. Expansion not noted for right now (2
to 4-lane)
2017ish – County Commissioner’s Office sometimes pays for bridge repairs
License plate fees, gas tax – determined by ORC
Pataskala – how do they get money for their roads?
Pataskala bridges – ODOT a good partner and will do inspections for free. You have to
work with them to discuss how that happens.
Licking County has an NHRO
What questions are there?
Action items:
ODOT meeting
Village of Granville – service agreements?
Jeff – Gun discharge overlay still in process. Integrating requirements from ORC 2923
(what you can shoot near) and looking against what Pataskala did. Should have a map
out to the group via email before next meeting for review, can discuss at next.
Cemetery maintenance: Maple Grove (owned by association), Morse and Outville,
Duncan Plaines, Pioneer (behind Maple Grove)
ORC 929.04: Right to Farm – If you build next to a farm, they were there first. What
about new structures: if it complies with zoning, the same applies.
Sean spoke to Mayor of Pataskala – they merged due to the threat of Columbus taking
over the area. By doing the zoning correctly from the get-go with their merger
conditions, they set up the community for a good future. They differentiated between
Lima Township and the “city”.
Ideally, we would take advantage of the FLUM and maintain township zoning (with
comp plan evolutions), and a Village Center. Would allow for a seamless transition. This
is also how they brought in the gun discharge zone.
Action items:
General Updates:
Discussed the asset sheets for the Township and Village
Discussed debts as well – limited for the Village
Ann – will work on getting property valuations added to Village asset sheets
Summary: We need to have conditions written by August 1, 2024. If we request an
extension, we would have until August 1, 2025.
ORC 709.46(c): costs of the commission.
Ann sent an email to the Mayor of Alex and Bruce Lane re: costs of an attorney.
Estimated $10k total. 80% township, 20% village based on population.
To have an attorney review conditions, need to have them written by April 17 meeting.
Action: Dean to create a project schedule – using
Dean: update on submitting costs to the Village/TWP?
6. Citizen Comments (3-minute time limit)
Question re: sunshine laws and what we must publish
Question re: reimbursement
How will we pay for roads?
Earned vs. unearned income tax? Going forward, can that be unearned income?
Calculator status: on the way
Describe the metamorphosis of the government – initially appointed and then voted in in
phases (ORC709.45-48) – would also need participants to raise their hands
7. Meeting Announcements
The next meeting will be held on: Wednesday, April 17. 2024 at 7PM
8. Adjournment
Elaine made a motion; seconded by Steph , to adjourn.
All in favor? Chair declares motion carried / failed.
Chairperson Meng declares the meeting adjourned at 8:46PM
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